What I ate:
    decaf with soy milk
    slice 100% rye bread with sunflower seeds
    strawberry jam (with seeds)

    peanut butter Power Bar
    vanilla goat yogurt

    muesli/flake cereal with soy milk and papaya juice
    orange juice with lots of pulp
    low-fat crunchy onion ring snacks
    low-fat papadum crackers

    Sunday 11 October 1998.

    What I ate:
    decaf with soy milk
    slice 100% rye bread with sunflower seeds
    strawberry jam (with seeds)
    orange juice with lots of pulp

    1/2 cantaloupe (bought ready made, ripe and wrapped in plastic @ Jefferson Market)
    peanut butter Power Bar
    vanilla goat yogurt

    muesli with soy milk
    applesauce from the greenmarket
    4 entenmanns soft-baked chocolate chip cookies (@ party)

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